Saturday, March 24, 2007

Lots of changes

Well..... Brynn has been doing lots of new things over the past two weeks...she now gives kisses when you ask for them, she can sit up on her own, she poses for the camera and when you ask her "where's Mika"..she looks at the floor...and the best news!!!!she got her first tooth on my birthday (March 21st!) Happy Birthday Mommy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys - thanks for the pics. She is absolutely adorable. Cannot believe how fast time goes by and she is over 6 months old already. Hear you had a great week with Gramma Nugent. (Forget what she wants to be called - I am Grammie so will have to check that out with Mildred). Anyway, as a grandparent I can attest to the fact there is absolutely nothing like grandchildren! God Bless. Norma-Lee and Charlie